Is there a connection between oral health and your overall health?
Research shows that if we keep our teeth and gums healthy for a lifetime, we’ll add years to our lifespan. Our total health and quality of life will also be better along the way. New evidence is popping up every day that our mouth reveals early signs of disease in our body-and knowing what the signs mean can help us and our families improve the quality and quantity of our lives.
Did you know that good oral health reduces your risk of America’s Top 5 killer diseases? Diabetes, throat cancer, obstructive sleep apnea, heart attack, stroke, depression, pre-term delivery or stillbirth, and even erectile dysfunction can all be manifested with poor oral health.
With dental check ups at least every 6 months and acute clinical observation and self observation you can greatly reduce your risk of the above diseases, not to mention the obvious of periodontal (gum) disease, cavities, and occlusal disease. Your health and wellness is too important to take for granted and not be pre-active in preventing these issues.
Call Strevey Dental to partner up with a team that genuinely concerned for you and knowledgeable in helping you stay healthy.